
Do you know the benefits of tea for the skin?

Has it all! I must be honest… I have become very fond of tea! A few months ago I discovered how delicious this drink was and I started trying all its variants. Red tea, green tea, black tea... But, what I didn't know until now were all the benefits that tea brings to the skin. (I swear there are many).

That is why, since yesterday was World Tea Day , today I am going to talk to you about two of its variants that can help the skin look (even more) radiant . Attentive!

Green Tea:

Did you know that green tea is the best ally to keep skin young and smooth for a long time? This is because it is rich in antioxidants , so it neutralizes free radicals , prevents cellular oxidation of the epidermis and, consequently, its premature aging . Do you want to notice its effects ? Take two infusions of green tea a day and see how the lines of expression on your face are hidden . (Note, however, that pregnant women, children, and people with high blood pressure should not consume green tea.)

White tea:

White tea, like green tea, has great antioxidant benefits for the skin . Thus, it not only delays the signs of aging , but also increases the production of collagen in the epidermis . In this way, our skin will look young, smooth and firm . What do you think if you try to drink one or two cups a day ? Your skin will notice it, you'll see!

Additionally, tea is not only rich in antioxidants , but it is also a great source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber . Thanks to them, the skin repairs and regenerates faster . On the other hand, it helps prevent and treat some skin diseases (as well as psoriasis or dandruff).

If until now you were not a big fan of tea , now you have one more reason to start consuming it! It is clear that what we eat and drink directly affects our skin. Did you know, for example, that there are foods that increase collagen production ? If you want to know which ones, keep reading!

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