Alcohol consumption and testosterone. What relationship do they have?
It is clear that alcohol consumption is not good for health! (I'm not going to believe Tadeo Jones for discovering this either…) However, until now I didn't know the side effects that habitual intake of this substance can have on our testosterone levels (and I'm sure you didn't either). So… let's get started!
Alcohol is a powerful poison that, as we already know, causes many damages to people 's health . Did you know, perhaps, that a few years ago it was considered the third cause of disease and premature death in the world according to the World Health Organization (WHO) ? And it is that according to the data collected by this organization, per year there are 3 million deaths due to its habitual consumption .
However, it wasn't until recently that I discovered that alcohol can also affect people's sexuality … And there is a direct relationship between alcohol consumption and testosterone !
In cases where the consumption of this substance is habitual , the production of testosterone can decrease considerably. However, having higher levels than normal, in men the changes can be much more noticeable than in the case of women. But what interaction does alcohol really have in our body?
The explanation is easy according to the experts: alcohol acts as a toxin in the testicles , just as it does in the rest of the body as well. In this way, its intake would affect the organs responsible for the production of the male hormone in our body. Moreover, according to numerous studies, it is normal for frequent drinkers to experience testicular disorders , either causing lower sperm quality , less sperm quantity, or even erectile dysfunction .
On the other hand, alcohol not only decreases testosterone levels , but also increases estrogen levels in the body of men (which is why we can end up suffering from hyperestrogenism in some cases).
In addition, alcohol can produce a toxic substance for the liver called “ acetaldehyde ”. As a result, the muscle growth of our body is often damaged .
Therefore, thinking about our health (and our sexuality ...) What do you think if we start drinking non-alcoholic beers from now on so as not to harm our testosterone levels ?