
Friction burns in the genital area: causes and treatment

If you're a man, you know what I'm talking about... Burns from friction in the genital area are a more common male problem than you might think. And it is that, in the end, the skin of that area is much more sensitive and thinner than that of the rest of the body.

What is a friction burn?

Friction burn in the genital area is a rather uncomfortable situation caused when the skin rubs against a surface without sufficient lubrication or protection . Denim clothing , for example, can create quite severe burns in the genital area .

Thus, in some cases such a burn may also be considered an abrasion or a "thermal burn . "

What are the causes of friction burns?

However, although burns in the genital area due to clothing are usually common, in most cases in which a friction burn is suffered on the penis, the most common cause is prolonged sexual intercourse or masturbation without lubrication . In these situations, the skin in the area is usually drier than usual or the time of intercourse is usually longer .

How to treat friction burns?

But do not worry! Mild friction burns usually only last a few days and do not usually need any specific treatment . However, its symptoms (usual to any minor burn) do tend to cause annoyance and discomfort . So the best thing you can do is keep the area clean and dry to prevent infection . In addition, it is convenient to avoid sexual relations until the burn does not improve considerably. On the other hand, loose fitting underwear is recommended .


And don't be alarmed! It is normal for the skin to flake a little as the burn begins to heal . If it is mild , in a week or so, you will be as good as new (and you will be able to resume your sexual relations normally).

Did you know or have you ever suffered a friction burn ? If so, from now on you know what to do! Also, if you want to know more about other types of burns , such as sunburns , for example, keep reading!

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